Creating a New Category for Dashboard

Logsign Unified SecOps Platform makes meaningful events with reports while at the same time analyzing these data on visual objects such as graphical shapes, tables, and maps.

You can use the Logsign Unified SecOps Platform Control Panels to analyze the events taking place visually. You can install your Dashboards, which are available as a bundle on Logsign Unified SecOps Platform, or you can create your Dashboards on your own.

Before creating the dashboard, a custom category can be created for this dashboard.

Create category using the Logsign Unified SecOps Platform WEB interface. Click the hamburger button from the left side of the page. 


Click on configure button, "Dashboard Management" screen will be appeared.



When you click on the + Category button, a small window will appear called "Dashboard Category".


Specify a name for the category in the Name section. It's identified as "SOC Team Custom Category". Then, after saving the actions with the Save button, you'll instantly see new category below the "Hamburger Button".


After this stage, a new dashboard can be created and sent it under the newly created category.


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