Histogram Report Type

Typically transactional data is quite detailed and analyzing an entire dataset on a graph is not feasible. Generally such data is analyzed using some form of aggregation or frequency distribution. One of the specialized charts generally used in Reporting Services for statistical distribution is Histogram Charts. In this tip you look at how Histogram Charts can be used for statistical distribution analysis and how to create and configure this type of chart in Logsign.

You can create report 2 different way; you can input your query in the search bar then click "+ Create Report" button on this section or you can go reports section then click "+ Report" button. We recommend you to before create your report, check your query with search section so you can view results of query.


1. Go to Search and build query strings.

2. Now, you can build a report based on the presented result. Click "+Report" under the Search bar.


  1. Select "HISTOGRAM" in the Report Type icons section and provide the required information. The description of fields is as below.


Report Type: Must be selected as HISTOGRAM.

Index Type: This tab is predefined as Log. If you want to create the report with index logs , you must set this type as Log. Also you can select Logsign Events to get Logsign web interface events. The column names will be changed according to the index type. The last option is offline. If you select offline, you can create report with reindexed logs from archive.

Time Column: This tab is predefined as Time.Generated column. If you select Time.Generated, your report use this column value as time.

Query: You can input your query in this tab. If you input your query on search section and click "+ create report" button, query will automatically fill as your query on search section.

Report Name: Enter report name.

Report Block: Select report block for report.

Time Interval: A definite length of time marked off by two instance.

Rows Per Page: Determine show to rows per page.

Report Columns: Select which columns are view in the report.

Filter Columns: Select which columns can use for filter.

Category: Select category for report.

Tags: Select tag for report. This is not a required field.

Compliance: Select compliance for report. This is not a required field.


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