Compression Type and Level options can be edited with Data Management > Policy.
Compression Level: You can select the compression level of logs named as RAW on Logsign Unified SecOps Platform. The level to be selected can be from 1 to 9.
As the level increases, the compression ratio of the logs also increases. In this way, disk storage is used with less capacity. However, the offline report feature may also give results a bit late.
For example, if the ratio 9 is selected, the compression ratio will increase up to 1/20. The offline report feature may give the results a bit late. On the other hand, if ratio 1 is selected, the compression ratio will be about 1/2, but offline report will give much faster results.
JSON Compression: You can choose the compression method of logs called JSON on the Logsign Unified SecOps Platform in the same way.
Rotate Period: You can specify how long you want the files to be closed or opened. By default, "Daily" is set and all logs will be saved with date/time information. The value that you set will give you the information about how long the logs will be closed or opened.