NXLog Configuration

NXLog is a multi-platform log collection and centralization tool that offers log processing features, including log enrichment and log forwarding.

Logsign supports Nxlog integration with pre-defined plugin library. The steps for configuration are as follows;

1- Download Nxlog agent from the link below

Download NXLog Community Edition

2- Nxlog setup file sent to the server to be installed.


3- Run the setup file and install Nxlog


4- Go to C:\Program Files\nxlog\conf directory where nxlog is installed.


5- The nxlog.conf file is customized in the following format according to the logs to be sent to Logsign.

6- After the conf file is edited, the Nxlog service is restarted.


You should use nxlog.conf on attachment file as configuration file.

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