Oracle Database Integration

The table where audits are kept on the Oracle database is the AUD$UNIFIED table under Schemas – AUDSYS – Tables, which comes by default.

Note That: If you are collecting audits on a special table, be sure to set the Query, Position Column and Position Column Type according to this table.

In order to get logs from the audit table, a user must be created and the user should be given the following privileges;

- Connect

- Create session

- Select

1- User is created for Logsign.


2- Remote connection and Create Session authorizations are defined for the user.


3- The audit table or view must be determined and the select authority must be given to the user.


4- In the Logsign web interface, click the Device+ button in the menu bar on the top of the page, which is opened by clicking on the Settings tab. Then select brand information in the Vendor section of ORACLE. A page will come up to configure your ORACLE DB.


Note That:

Sid: Instance name

To see the SID value defined on the database;



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