SFlow Integration with Logsign SIEM

Sflow datas forwarding should be done to port 6343 of Logsign Unified SecOps Platform IP.

Note that: Sflow configuration varies according to different vendors.

1- We need to make sure that the data reaches port 6343 with the following command.


2- With the following command, we back up the logsign-flowd.conf file under the default /etc/init to /home/iadmin.


3- We replace the logsign-sflowd.conf file under /opt/logsign-poller with the conf inside /etc/init


4- After the operations, you should see that the datas are forwarded to port 2056 of with the following command.


5- Now SFlow integration can be performed by clicking the “+Device” button from “Source List” tab on Logsign Unified SecOps Platform.


6-SFlow is selected as the integration type and the necessary information is entered in the relevant fields. Then click on the save button.


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