
1- GUI Users
1.1-    Create User

Open respectively Settings -> Accounts and Views -> Users under the Menu Bar. Click + User button on the top right corner.


a. A username can only be used once and usernames are unchangeable.

b. Password must be complex and unique. Don’t share your password with anyone. (Passwords must contain at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter and number.)

c. E-mail address information (can be used as a notification option of alarm rules in latersections).

d. Mobile phone number information (can be used as a SMS notification option of alarm rules in later sections).

e. User type information. You can determine the role of user as Admin or User.

Note That: In order to define a user role, the "Roles" document in the link below should be examined.

Defining a Role for Authorization

f. Every non-admin user must has a role.


g.Click Save button to complete the user creation process

1.2- Edit User

In this section, you can edit the information of the users that you created.

Click Edit button to edit the user information.


On this screen you can change user password, role, e-mail address, mobile number and other informations. Admin has the right to change information of another Admin or User. If any user want change password(include admins) should input old password otherwise can not change password.

1.3- Delete User


If you want delete a user, you can click Delete button and then you will see "are you sure" pop-up. If you click OK button you will delete user.


2- CLI Users

Logsign has CLI user named iadmin by default. With the user you can access the Logsign from the command line and perform the operations you need.

You can modify the iadmin user if you want with edit button.


You can create a new system user with + System User button.


We recommend you to choose a strong password which consists of a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special symbols, such as punctuation. You should avoid using common, easily hacked characters and reusing the same password across multiple accounts.

After determine user name and password you can click Save button and system user create process will be done.

We recommend if you need help about Logsign server system, please send ticket us to here. Because CLI use needs expertise and any service will be broken easily with wrong CLI use.



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