First of all, we log in to Microsoft Entra id and click on app registration.
Then we give our application a name and save it.
After the application is created, we proceed to API Permission and Secret Key creation stages respectively.
First of all, let's start with API Permission.
Click on Add a permission and on the screen that appears on the right, we need to follow the steps below.
We go to APIs my organization uses, select Microsoft Threat Protection and click Application Permission. Then we select Incident.Read.All under Incident from the tabs below and save it.
After the addition process, it will appear as Not granted in the status field.
You need to click on grant admin consent for at the top and edit the authorizations. When you do, it will look like below.
Then let's create a secret key.
We need to take note of the value created. We will need this information during the resource insertion phase.
Then we can click Overview, note the Client ID and Tenant ID and proceed to the resource addition stage.
In the resource addition phase, we can get the following information and advance the process.
Client ID: To be taken from the interface
Client Secret Value: To be taken from the interface
Tenant ID: To be taken from the interface