* Add Action.Automation field to incident index
* Add EventSource.Description field in widget's parameters
* Add Task board inprogress tag
* Update predifened bot's icon and type
* Reconfigure our tools management
Bug Fixes:
* Playbook node delete bug fixed
* Task Board's duplicate task bug fixed
* User's task list bug fixed
* Case SLA set and edit bug fixed
* Drag and drop bug fixed
* Activity and case show in progress state bug fixed
* New case button bug fixed
* Integration params null bug fixed
* Task list in progress state filter bug fixed
* Avatar bug fixed
* Playbook create event bug fixed
* User's task history bug fixed
* Add LogsignTI Integration
* Update Logsign SIEM Integration
* Add Trapmine Integration
* Add URLHaus Integration
* Add IpWhois Integration
* Add Scamalytics Integration
* Add URLVoid Integration
* Add IPVoid Integration
* Add CheckPhish Integration
* Add ThreatFox Integration