

Picus helps organizations continuously validate the effectiveness of their security controls so that they can obtain a holistic view of their security posture and take swift action to strengthen it.


  • Logsign 6.3.37+ versions support this integration.

Configure On Picus


Forwarding settings are completed as follows:


  1. The refresh token can be generated from app.picussecurity.com > Settings > Rest API Token.
  2. You should click Settings button and select "Rest API Token" menu item.
  3. For creating new refresh token, you can click "Generate Token" button and view refresh token.
    Also you can re-generate or delete the refresh token.

  1. Copy the Rest API Token.



Configure On Logsign

Forwarding settings are completed as follows:


  1. Click Settings > Integrations > Responses.
  2. In the ‘Search’ part, write Picus.
  3. Click ‘Configure’ and then click ‘+Device’.


  1. Define the settings as follows:
  • Device Name: Define the Device Name.
  • Refresh Token: Define the Api Key.
  • Host: Define the Host.
  1. Click Create to save the changes.



  • Device: Select the configuration you have configured.
  • Agent Id: Specify the agent id.
  • Description: Define the description.
  • Integrations: Specify the integrations.
  • Name: Define the name.
  • Obfuscation Methods: Define the obfuscation methods.
  • Protocols: Specify the protocols.
  • Template Id: Specify the template id.



  • Device: Select the configuration you have configured.
  • Id: Specify the id.




  • Device: Select the configuration you have configured.




  • Device: Select the configuration you have configured.



  • Device: Select the configuration you have configured.
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