

IBM X-Force Exchange is a threat intelligence sharing platform that you can use to research security threats, to aggregate intelligence, and to collaborate with peers


  • Logsign 6.3.+ versions support this integration.

Configure On IBM XForce

Forwarding settings are completed as follows:


  1. Navigate to the X-Force Threat Intelligence SaaS offerings page on the IBM website.
  2. Log in or create an IBM ID to sign up for a 30-day trial.
  3. After you submit your request for the 30-day trial you will receive a token and will need to verify your account.
  4. After verification, log in to X-Force Exchange and follow the steps below to generate a new API Key and Password:
  • View your Profile summary by clicking the User icon in the top right-hand corner of the X-Force Exchange Home Page.



  • Click the Settings link in the lower left corner to view the Settings Page, then click the API Access link in the Settings page to view the API details page.



  • Click the Generate button to create a new API Key and Password.



  •  Once you generate your password, makes sure to save it, as it is only shown when the key/password is generated. When you revisit your profile again, only the key is shown.
  • While a trial will expire in 30 days, API keys and passwords do not expire. If you forget your password, you can generate a new API key/password pair.
  •  Please do not share your API key, it is specific to your ID.
  • Our API only allow HTTPS connections that support TLS protocol version 1.2 or newer. All other connections will be rejected.


Configure On Logsign

Forwarding settings are completed as follows:


  1. Click Settings > Integrations > Responses.
  2. In the ‘Search’ part, write IBM XForce.
  3. Click ‘Configure’ and then click ‘+Device’.

  1. Define the settings as follows:
  • Device Name: Define the Device Name.
  • Api Key: Specify the api key.
  • Password: Define the password.
  1. Click Test and then Create to save the changes.




  • Device:  Select the configuration you have configured.
  • Ip: Define the ip you want to query reputation.



  • Device:  Select the configuration you have configured.
  • File-Hash: Define the file-hash you want to check for malware.



  • Device:  Select the configuration you have configured.

Url:  Define the url you want to query reputation.

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