Microsoft Graph Mail Integration


Microsoft Graph is the gateway to data and intelligence in Microsoft 365. It provides a unified programmability model that you can use to access the tremendous amount of data in Microsoft 365, Windows, and Enterprise Mobility + Security. Use the wealth of data in Microsoft Graph to build apps for organizations and consumers that interact with millions of users.


  • Logsign 6.3.23+ versions support this integration.

Configure On Microsoft

Create Azure Active Directory Application


Forwarding settings are completed as follows:

  1. Log in to the Microsoft Azure portal.
  2. In the Main menu, click Azure Active Directory and click App registrations.
  3. Select New registration for creating a new application.
  4. Define the settings as follows:
  • Specify Name for the application.
  • Adjust Supported account types to Accounts in this organizational directory only.
  • Adjust Redirect URI to Web and in the URI box enter
  • In the Front-channel logout URL part, specify your domain.
  • In the Implicit grant and hybrid flows part you can select ID tokens (used for implicit and hybrid flows).
  • In the Supported account types part, you can select Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant). 
  • In the Allow public client flows part, you can select “yes”.
  1. Click Register to save the changes.
Add API Access to Graph API and Grant Permission 


Forwarding settings are completed as follows:

  1. In the Main menu, click Azure Active Directory and click App registrations.
  2. Click the application you created in Azure Active Directory Application.
  3. Click API Permissions and then click Add a permission.



  1. In the Request API permission part, click Microsoft Graph.


  1. Define the Application permissions as follows:
  • Click Application permissions.
  • Specify one of the following:
  • Click Application > User.Read.All in the list of permissions.
  • Click Application >  Mail.Send in the list of permissions.
  1. Click Add permission and then click Grant admin consent for your application.


Locate Directory ID


Forwarding settings are completed as follows:


  1. In the Azure portal, go to the application you created.
  2. In the Directory (tenant) ID box, copy the value. The Directory id should be used when configuring the integration connector.


Locate Application ID


Forwarding settings are completed as follows:


  1. In the Azure portal, go to the application you created.
  2. In the Application (client) ID box, copy the value. The Application id should be used when configuring the integration connector.



Locate Application Secret


Forwarding settings are completed as follows:


  1. In the Azure portal, go to the application you created.
  2. Click Certificates & secrets and then use the following information to create a new client secret:



  • Click New client secret.
  • Specify Description to Test-graph
  • Specify Expires to 6 months.


Note: After the set expiration time, the new client secret must be generated again. Reconfiguring the connector is also necessary.


  1. Click Add and then the client secret is displayed.


Note: Before leaving this screen, copy the client secret value.


  1. If you are configuring the integration connector, use the client secret as the application secret.


Configure On Logsign


Forwarding settings are completed as follows:


  1. Click Settings > Integrations > Responses.
  2. In the ‘Search’ part, write Microsoft Graph Mail.
  3. Click ‘Configure’ and then click ‘+Device’.


  1. Define the settings as follows:
  • Device Name: Define the Device Name.
  • Tenant Id: The ID of the Microsoft Azure Active Directory to retrieve information from.
  • Client Id: The ID of the application that will connect to Microsoft Azure Active Directory, which in this case is the integration connector.
  • Client Secret: The value  that will be used as the secret in the connection to Microsoft Azure.
  • Sender Email: The value  that will be used as the E-mail address on Microsoft Azure.
  1. Click Create to save the changes.






  • Device: Select the configuration you have configured.
  • To: It is written for the person you want to be sent.
  • Subject: Type the subject for the mail you want to send.

Content: Type the content for the mail you want to send.

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