Large-scale Logsign Deployment Overview


This article discusses how Logsign Unified SecOps Platform processes large-scale data.

Logsign large-scale

- This passage is about Logsign's ability to process large amounts of data using its own services and the necessary hardware support.

- Logsign uses Hadoop technology to store large amounts of data

- Elasticsearch database to perform analysis within seconds.

- It also has its own services for enriching and providing alarm/correlation services for large data sets, along with using Redis database in memory to support these services. The passage highlights Logsign's capabilities to handle large data volumes efficiently.


Growth of Data

As the EPS increases, the amount of data to be processed and stored also increases. Logsign can handle this with its own services up to a certain level. However, if the data grows rapidly and reaches a significant size, some services such as logsign-parser and persist need to be increased.

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