In this document, SMS integration with Logsign will be explained.
When you follow the procedures in this document, you will be able to use sms for event notification.
- Logsign 6.3+
- Firewall permission;
- Logsign IP's -> Sms Provider Host / URL -> Port must be allowed.
- Sms Provider Info
- Sms Provider Name
- Sms Provider Method
- Sms Provider Content-Type
- Sms Provider Username
- Sms Provider Password
- Sms Provider Title
- Sms Provider URL
- Sms Provider Request Template
Requirements must be ready before starting the integration process.
You need to update your Request Template provided for Sms integration, when these processes are provided, your integration will be successful when you complete the information in the logsign interface.
To enable the integration -> Settings -> Integrations -> Sms.
Provider: Selecting the name of the short message service provider. Custom should be selected for providers that are not in this field.
Method: Selecting the communication protocol with the short message service provider ( GET / POST ). Obtain this information from your service provider.
Content-Type: The type of communication content is defined from this tab. Obtain this information from your service provider.
Username: The field where the user name of the short message service provider must be entered. Obtain this information from your service provider.
Password: The field to enter the short message service provider user password. Obtain this information from your service provider.
Title: The title of the message to be sent. Obtain this information from your service provider.
URL: The address information of the short message service provider. Obtain this information from your service provider.
Request Template: Request template. (There is guidance for this operation in the subtitle.) Obtain this information from your service provider.
Message Template: The message content template available in some service providers, if this information is not available, you can skip by typing 1.
Preparation of Sms Provider Request Template
The request template information obtained from the SMS provider should be updated as described below.
Provided Request Template;
Username="testuser"&Password="TestUserPassword123."&TransmissionID=TestLogsign&Msisdns="5469999999"&Messages="bu bir test mesajıdır"
When you report an event in Logsign, the content of the message and the gsm number are determined dynamically, username and password information is confidential and enc. You need to update your template as in the example below.
$username: This variable takes the information entered in the box below, you need to update the part where username information should be entered in the template as $username.
$password: This variable takes the information entered in the box below. In the template, you need to update the section where username password information should be entered as $password.
$title: This variable takes the information entered in the box below, you need to update the part where the title of the text message should be entered in the template as $title.
$gsm_90xxx: You need to update the part where the gsm number of the person to whom the text message will be sent is defined as $gsm_90xxx in the template.
$message: You need to update the part where the text message content is defined as $message.